Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thank Sephora!

Wow! When someone you haven't seen in over a year says that when they first see you, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Could be: "Wow! You sure have porked up over the last year, did you leave any food in your wake?" Or: "Wow! Where'd you go? There's nothing left of you, you're so thin!" Or even: "Wow! You married Mr. Sark?"

Tonight, I saw a former co-worker that I hadn't seen at all during 2008. First word out of her mouth: "Wow!" Then a slight pause. Of course, as a human and a woman, I filled the slight pause with what I thought the next words out of her mouth would be..."What brings you to a Daycare Fair (like a Bridal Fair, but for day cares)? Did you get a boyfriend, get engaged, get married, get pregnant and have a baby in the 12 months since I saw you?" Completely plausible question, I
am Mormon.

But no...what followed her "Wow!" was: "Your face looks great." To which I followed with: "...[quizzical look]..." And she said: "The acne. It's all gone."

I was so confused. Because I was thinking...have I ever looked like the Before on a ProActiv commercial? Has my nickname ever been "pizza face"? I really don't think so. I mean, my face has always been a bit more red than I'd like. And the fact that I am over 35 and get any acne at all drives me crazy. Now I do have the errant pimple here or there occasionally, but nothing that someone would think "Man, that Ranee should wash her face once in a while." In fact, not often, but on a few occasions, other women have told me they like my skin. Nothing like the way this girl must be remembering me: pocked and infested.

I had no idea what to say, because I had no idea what she was talking about. Still don't. But boy am I glad my face looks better, cause a year ago I must've been disgusting.

P.D. And I was at the Daycare Fair cause my friend wanted company and Hey, what better to do on a Wednesday night than walk around a convention center trying to avoid the super happy daycare workers by saying: No thanks, I don't have kids. Yeah, I know...awkward. I'm sure they've put me on some creepy watch list.

1 comment:

  1. OK so my little Claire is sitting on my lapa as I'm reading your blog and I seriously am cracking up! She keeps turing around, I think to see if my eyes are squirting out laughter tears. Not yet, but I'm close!
