Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Not a fan

Cranes...I don't like cranes.  The mechanical ones.  I see them and I start to get nervous.  I think they are going to fall on me.  They just don't seem stable.  It's not as bad as it used to be.  I used to hyperventilate when I saw them.  I'd ask my companions if we could change our route on the way to wherever we were going so as to avoid walking under or near a crane.

Snow in the Seattle area.  People here can't drive in the rain.  They slow to a crawl.  Can you imagine what they do in the snow?  They are completely inept.  I followed a lady down a hill that had an immediate uphill after the downhill.  She was going 10 miles per hour.  I told her that snow does not change the law of physics.  That she still needed momentum to get up the hill.  She, of course, didn't hear me and slid down the up hill.  Thank goodness I was no longer behind her, but beside her.  It snows an inch and I'm confined to where I can walk because I don't want to die and, more importantly, I don't want my car to get hurt.  I'd really like a change to be made to snow.  I'd like it to only snow on trees and grass and dirt.  I'd like snow to not fall on roads or sidewalks.  Country roads are o.k. I guess, mostly cause I very rarely drive on them.  Can someone get on making that happen?  Thank you ever so.

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