Sunday, September 21, 2008

Smiles and International Calls

Whoever decided to put banana stickers on your forehead was a genius. I thought it was just me. When I worked in Provo I went through a banana spurt and ate one every day at work. And each time the banana had a sticker on it, I would put the sticker on my forehead. Walked around like that all night. The people on my team thought I was strange. Which I am, but for more valid reasons than putting a banana sticker on my forehead. So I was very pleased when I but a bunch of bananas the other day and the sticker actually said to place it on my forehead and smile. Thanks Chiquita!

Don't eat me if you have kidney disease

On a completely unrelated note: what is with people in movies traveling to Europe and using their cell phones? True most cell phones will work anywhere there is a cell tower in Europe, but do these people not care about roaming charges? They're just cavalierly placing international calls or accepting them with no thought to the $1.50 - $3.99 per minute charge. I even checked AT&T's roaming charges, what with all of their advertisement about their phones working all over the world and their roaming charges were more than I'd ever want to pay. I know, I know, movies aren't meant to be realistic. But come on! Someone say something about the hundreds of dollars the phone call is costing them. Suggested solution for International Travelers: Get a GSM phone (for those of you in the good ol' US of A that mens AT&T or T-Mobile), get it unlocked before you leave the country, when you arrive at the other country get a pre-paid SIM card with a local # to use for local calls and a calling card for international calls.

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