So my musings the other day about how there wasn't THAT much snow and Washington just needed more plows? Mostly true. But then we got even MORE snow. And what Washingtonians
need is a lesson on how to clear walkways. Above is the walkway leaving my apartment. This poor girl is trying to manuever a stroller through the 4 inch semi-packed snow that was never shoveled from our walkay. She ended up just picking it up and carrying it (no baby was on board).
What I'm trying to decide is which is worse? The next building over has their walkway mostly shoveled...but all to the end of the walkway, in a nice pile. It's like winter hurdles. Who can jump over that thing in heels?
I have no winter jacket and no snow shoes/boots. Seeing me walk down the street/sidewalk in my trainers is quite the site. I'm slip sliding away with each step. And if I move to the unshoveled sidewalk, I sink with every step. So the choices are either fall on my bum or get snow up my pants. It's great to have choices in all things.
Above you will see my shower curtain liner. It's a map of the world. And had been very handy the past few years. While showering I have been able to brush up on all the geography that changed since I was in school. Soviet Block countries and what not. It was in the shower one day that I learned that Burkina Faso is actually a country in Africa, not just a made up country on Alias.
Every few months I toss the liner in the washing machine with some bleach. This week, it turns out, South America was not too pleased to be cleaned (but let me tell you, it needs it! All that graffiti and random dog poop just needs to go away.). Argentina was sliced right in half and the Peruvian/Bolivian border has a huge hole in it. Sad...sad...sad...I was having such a love affair with South America, and this is what it does to me? Looks like a new shower liner is now on Ranee's Christmas list.
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