Saturday, December 6, 2008

Poor Niagra

It's rumored that Eleanor Roosevelt said, upon first seeing Iguazu Falls: Poor Niagra. Now, I've never seen Niagra Falls, but Iguazu Falls is certainly incredible! New Guy and I caught a plane to Iguazu (where Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil meet in the Northern part of Argentina) this afternoon. We decided that we couldn't be this close to an amazing sight and not see it. We'll be here for about 24 hours before we return to Buenos Aires just in time to catch our plane back to the States.

It is absolutely immense and impressive. And I've taken tons of fotos so far. We took a few hours to walk around the park before it closed today.

We're going to take a boat tour tomorrow morning then will go off hiking to see more of the Falls.'s amazing.  You know more fotos will follow.  

I will not be posting again until after I return to the Unites, and if you're in my immediate family (whether related by blood or not) I'll give you a call or send you a text to let you know I've arrived back safely to the Unites, and then I'll be sleeping for a long, long time.  
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