Sunday, February 13, 2011

Slow move too fast

Rode the NYC subway today. A little intimidating when the subway driver announces that she will not be stopping at your intended stop due to construction. My first thought was: Great! Now I'm going to be late to church. And I have to walk 6 blocks...IN HEELS! Thank goodness for the helpful people on the subway that told us to get off at 72nd and then cross to the downtown track and ride the subway only one stop (the nice gentleman repeated that to me several times, because apparently, in his mind, I'm not only not from NYC, but I'm also retarded).

On the way back from church, as we passed the 59th street subway stop, Debbie and I serenaded those around us with Simon & Garfunkel's 59th Street Bridge Song - because we knew had Lynda been with us, she would have sung the entire song.
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