Thursday, April 19, 2012

Random Things in Hallways

I came home one night to find:  TV!  HUGE TV!  Just sitting there in the hall with some FREE signs made from spiral notebook paper and taped to all sides of the TV.  It was there for 3 days.  I phoned the office and told them about HUGE TV and by the time I got home from work that day it was gone.   Thank goodness!  I figured someone was moving and after moving all of their heavy boxes they just couldn't bring themselves to carry the HUGE TV down the one flight of stairs to the moving truck.  Turns out no one from my floor had moved recently.  Now I think someone from my floor got a new TV and didn't want to pay for someone to come pick up HUGE TV and rather than take it out to the curb with the FREE signs, they figured the hallway was just as good.  Hilarious.
And this note in a plant in a random hallway at work just cracked me up for some reason:  "PLEASE DO NOT POUR ANY LIQUIDS ON THIS PLANT.  THANK YOU  THE MANAGEMENT"  I work in a 6 building complex.  Our company is in the majority of the buildings.  And this is the best we can come up with?  A hand-written index card?  Stuck askew in the plant?  LOVE IT!  Long live the plants!

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